Burkert Stainless Steel Instruments

The Burkert Fluid Controls range of Stainless Steel Instruments includes a comprehensive selection of stainless steel solenoid valves, process valves, control valves and stainless steel accessories. 

For applications that require corrosion resistant materials, our range of stainless steel instruments are guaranteed to meet up to your expectations. Our products are able to perform in applications within harsh or corrosive media or are intended for use in a hazardous area. 

At Fine Controls we pride ourselves on our technical knowledge and are confident in our abilities to assist you in selecting the correct stainless steel instrument from the Burkert range.

We also carry one of largest stocks of Burkert products in Europe, meaning in most cases we can deliver your order the next day!

Need assistance? If you have any questions regarding the Burkert range of stainless steel instruments or have a specialist application you’d like to discuss, get in touch online or call us on +44 (0) 800 328 8511.



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